Our customers are very satisfied about services and products!

As a leading company in the field of electrostatic powder coating we strive to deliver the best products and services to our customers around the world and to continuously improve our performance.

Our customer feedback is extremely important in order to improve our products and services. This is why we have launched a customer satisfaction survey in 2017. By the end of 2019, almost 1,100 participants took part in the survey. The majority of all participants purchased Gema equipment through our distributors, who are also responsible for the service at the customer's site.
The Gema recommendation rate is more than 90%, which is very good result and proves that our commitment is successful. 

From all participants of the last quarter in 2019 an iPad Mini was drawn. We congratulate Lukas Kosut from the company Kovona System a.s  in Cesky Tesin, Czech Republic on winning.

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