The robust gun with industry-leading PowerBoost® high-performance technology ensures reliability, quality and best coating results for all industrial coating applications.
OptiCenter® All-in-One OC10: Maximum benefit in minimum space
Efficient and space-saving powder management, equipped with OptiSpray All-in-One application pump technology.
This sophisticated solution allows a highly automated level of powder coating. It detects most difficult object shapes and brings each gun in the correct position to coat the complex part.
Poujoulat - Time and energy savings while coating complex parts with MagicCompact EquiFlow BA04 booth, OptiCenter OC08 with OptiFlow IG07 injectors, OptiGun GA03 automatic guns, Dynamic Contour Detection system…
Powercolor - High degree of automation, quality improvements and powder savings with OptiCenter All-in-One OC10 with OptiSpray All-in-One application pumps, Dynamic Contour Detection system with laser scanners,…