Case Studies

Case Study Architecture: Aluminum Profiles

SP&PC - Double your coating capacity with MagicCompact EquiFlow BA04 booth, OptiCenter OC02, OptiGun GA03, OptiSelect guns and MagicControl CM30.

Case Study Metallic Furniture: Workbench and Toolboxes

QMP - Improved productivity and quick color changes with MagicCompact EquiFlow booth, MagicControl CM30, OptiCenter, OptiGun, OptiSelect and reciprocators.

Case Study Heating cooling sanitary: Tanks

Hokuei - Increased productivity and improved coating quality with OptiFlex automatic cabinet, OptiCenter OC02, Robotic Guns GA02, Classic Line Manual booth and OptiFlex2 B manual unit.

Case Study Metallic Fruniture: Shelving Racking

Machmar Industries - Double production capacity and reduced color change time with MagicCompact EquiFlow booth, OptiCenter OC02 incl. Ultrasonic Sieve, OptiFlex Automatic, OptiGun and Height width recognition.

Case Study Metallic Furniture: Storage and retrieval solutions

Kardex Remstar - Increased capacity and production optimization with MagicCompact EquiFlow BA04 booth, MagicControl CM30, OptiCenter OC02 powder management, OptiHopper and powder transfer system PTS 650.

Case Study Automotive

Veriplast - Constant film thickness and powder savings with MagicCompact EquiFlow booth, OptiCenter OC03 with OptiSpray AP01 and MagicControl CM30.

Case Study Medical: Medical beds

Enhanced product quality and improved automation with MagicCompact EquiFlow booth, OptiCenter OC02, OptiFlex Automatic and Monocyclone.

Case Study Electrical Electronics: Electrical Cabinets

Elsteel - Improved productivity and enhanced production safety with MagicCompact EquiFlow BA04 booth, OptiCenter OC02 powder management and Fresh Powder System OptiFeed Box FPS19.

Case Study Architecture: Aluminum Profiles

NeCe - Premium coating quality and efficient powder utilization with MagicCylinder booth, OptiCenter OC03 with OptiSpray AP01 application pumps and ultrasonic sieve US06, OptiGun automatic gun and OptiSelect manual gun.

Case Study Automotive: Wheels

Cromodora - Powder savings, constant film thickness and excellent surface finish with OptiCenter OC02 with Ultrasonic sieve, OptiCenter OC05 with OptiSpray AP01 application pump, OptiGun GA03, MagicControl CM30 and light barrier.

Case Study Metallic Furniture: Beds

Renato Nisi - Automated coating environment and higher surface quality of the end product with MagicCompact EquiFlow BA04 booth, OptiCenter OC02 with ultrasonic sieve, OptiGun GA03 automatic gun and MagicControl CM30 with light barrier.

Case Study Machine Industry: Agricultural Machines

Wado Sangyo - Fast color changes and a clean working environment with Magic Systems color change booth, MonoCyclone powder recovery, OptiGun automatic gun and OptiFlex2 manual units.

Case Study Enamel: Smoke Exhaust

High productivity and constant coating quality with MagicCompact EquiFlow BA04-E enamel booth, OptiCenter OC03 with OptiSpray AP01-E application pump, OptiGun GA03-E, Fresh powder system FPS16 BigBag and filter system.

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