Case Studies

Case Study Machine Industry: Agricultural Machines

Hans Brantner und Sohn Fahrzeugbaugesellschaft - XXL Coating and high automation level with MagicCompact EquiFlow BA04 booth, OptiGun GA03 automatic guns, Dynamic Contour Detection with ZA16 axes and UA05 gun axes and OptiCenter OC07 powder managment with OptiSpray AP01 application pumps

Case Study Hobby Garden Leisure: bicycle racks

THULE Group - Coating flexibility, powder savings and high automation with MagicCompact EquiFlow BA04 booth, Dynamic Contour Detection system, MagicControl 4.0, OptiCenter OC07 with OptiSpray AP01 application pumps and Ultrasonic sieve US07, OptiGun GA03 and OptiStar 4.0 gun controls

Case Study Heating Cooling Sanitary: Air Conditioning

Flamco - Reliable coating results and highest flexibility with MagicCompact EquiFlow color change booth, OptiGun GA03 automatic guns, Part detection system, OptiCenter OC07 with OptiSpray AP01 application pumps and MagicControl 4.0

Case Study Jobcoating

HMP Harzer Metallprofile - Improved production capacity and higher level of automation with MagicCylinder EquiFlow QCS04 booth, OptiCenter OC07 powder management with OptiSpray AP01 application pumps, MagicControl 4.0 system control, Vertical axes ZA07 / XT10 amd OptiGun GA03 automatic guns

Case Study Hobby Garden Leisure: bicycles

SA.VE.M SRL - Powder savings and increased productivity with MagicCompact EquiFlow BA04 booth, OptiCenter OC07 with OptiSpray AP01 application pumps, OptiGun GA03 automatic guns and Vertical axes type ZA07

Case Study Jobcoating

PROMET GmbH - Film thickness uniformity and powder savings with MagicCylinder booth type QCS04, Dynamic Contour Detection system, OptiCenter OC07 with OptiSpray AP01 application pumps and Ultrasonic sieve US07, OptiGun GA03 automatic guns and MagicControl 4.0 system control

Case Study Job Coating

Kurt Opfer - Powder savings and cost reductions with MagicCylinder EquiFlow booth, OptiGun GA03 automatic guns, OptiCenter OC07 powder management center with OptiSpray AP01 application pumps and ultrasonic sieve, Vertical axes ZA06 and MagicControl

Case Study Architecture: Aluminium Profiles

GARNALEX - Premium coating result, fast color changge and advanced production management with MagicCylinder EquiFlow booth QCS04, OptiCenter OC07 with OptiSpray AP01 application pumps, OptiGun GA03 automatic guns and MagicControl 4.0 with GemaConnect  

Case Study Architecture: Aluminum Profiles

EKO DEKOR - Constant powder output and consistent coating quality with OptiCenter OC07 with OptiSpray AP01 application pumps and ultrasonic sieve US07, OptiFeed PP06 fresh powder feed, OptiGun GA03 automatic guns and MagicControl 4.0

Case Study Metallic Furniture: Cabinets

Huni Italiana - High automation degree and outstanding finish quality with Dynamic contour detection system with laser scanner, MagicCompact EquiFlow booth BA04, MagicControl 4.0 system control, OptiCenter OC05 with OptiSpray AP01 application pump and OptiGun GA03 automatic guns

Case Study Machine Industry: Steel Fabrications

Color Duemila - Up to 20% powder savings, enhanced coating performance and quality improvements with OptiFlex Pro B Spray manual unit with OptiSpray AP01 application pumps, OptiSelect Pro manual gun and OptiStar 4.0 gun control unit

Case Study Architecture: Aluminium Profiles

Italver - Powder savings and constant film thickness with OptiCenter OC03 powder management with OptiSpray AP01 application pumps, MagicControl 4.0 system control, OptiGun GA03 automatic guns and OptiSelect GM03 manual guns.

Case Study Heating Cooling Sanitary: Air Conditioning

SCHAKO - Coating efficiency and process reliability with MagicCompact EquiFlow BA04 booth, Dynamic Contour Detection system, OptiCenter OC03 with OptiSpray AP01 application pumps, MagicControl CM30 system control and OptiGun GA03 automatic guns.

Metalwork TASSO Italy

Case Study Job Coating

TASSO - High production flexibility, fast color changes and clean working environment with MagicCylinder QCS04 booth, OptiCenter OC03 with OptiSpray AP01 application pumps, OptiGun GA03 automatic guns, MagicControl CM30 system control and OptiFlex Automatic control cabinet

store shelves

Case Study Metallic Furniture: Stands and display racks

Shanghai Tateyama Commercial Facilities - Labour and powder savings achieved by retrofit with OptiCenter OC03 powder management with OptiSpray AP01 application pumps, MagicCompact EquiFlow booth, OptiGun GA03 automatic guns, vertical reciprocators type ZA07 and MagicControl CM30 system control

Case Study Hobby Garten Freizeit: Sonnenschutzsysteme

HELLA Sonnenschutztechnik - Pulvereinsparungen und schnelle Farbwechsel mit MagicCompact EquiFlow BA04 Kabine, OptiCenter OC03 mit OptiSpray AP01 Applikationspumpen und US06 Ultraschallsieb, MagicControl CM30 Systemsteuerung und OptiFlex Automatik Steuerschrank

Case Study Job Coating

MBG Gerstungen - Flexibility and process stability with MagicCompact EquiFlow BA04 booth, OptiGun GA03 automatic guns, Reciprocator ZA07 and OptiCenter OC03 powder management with OptiSpray AP01 application pumps. 

Case Study Hobby Garden Leisure: bicycles

BROMPTON - Superb coating application and clean operating environment with MagicCompact EquiFlow BA04 booth, OptiCenter OC03 powder management with OptiSpray AP01 application pumps, OptiGun GA03 automatic gun and MagicControl CM30 system control

Case Study Job Coating

Carpenter - Powder savings and increased quality with OptiFlex2 B Spray manual unit with OptiSpray AP01 application pump and OptiSelect manual gun

Forklift from TMHMS Sweden

Case Study Machine Industry

TMHMS Toyota Material Handling Manufacturing Sweden AB - Retrofit of existing line for improved performance and outstanding coating quality with RobotGun GA03-R, OptiSpray AP01 application pump, OptiFlex Automatic control cabinet and MagicControl CM30 system control.

Case Study Architecture: Aluminum Profiles

Sepacolor - Improved application performance and coating quality with OptiCenter OC03 with OptiSpray AP01 application pump, MagicControl CM30 system control, OptiGun GA03 Automatic Gun, OptiFlex Automatic AS08 control cabinet and OptiFeed BigBag FPS16 fresh powder system.

Case Study Architecture: Aluminum Profiles

Powdertech - Improved coating quality and increased plant efficiency with MagicCompact EquiFlow BA04 booth, OptiCenter OC03 with OptiSpray AP01 application pump technology, OptiGun GA03 automatic gun and MagicControl CM30 system control

Case Study Architecture: Aluminum Profiles

FAC - Up to 90 color changes per day with new color change solution incl. MagicCompact EquiFlow BA04 booth, OptiCenter OC03 with OptiSpray AP01 application pumps, OptiGun GA03, powder switching device and MagicControl CM30.

Case Study Architecture: Aluminum Profiles

Inlook - Stable powder output und powder savings with innovative application pump OptiSpray AP01 and powder coating booth system MagicCompact EquiFlow BA04.

Case Study Metallic Furniture: Desks

Robberrechts - Automated color change and continuous powder output with new application pump OptiSpray AP01 and OptiCenter OC03.

Case Study Job Coating

WK Pulverbeschichtung - Improved coating quality and quick color changes with OptiCenter OC03 incl. OptiSpray AP01 application pump, MagicCompact EquiFlow BA04 color change booth and MagicControl CM30 system control.

Case Study Architecture: Aluminum Profiles

Senior Architectural Systems - Quick Color change and repeatable coating results with MagicCompact EquiFlow BA04 booth, OptiCenter OC03 with OptiSpray AP01 and MagicControl system control.

Case Study Architecture: Aluminum Profiles vertical

Waste powder reduction by 75% and lower rework rate with OptiCenter OC03 with OptiSpray AP01 application pump, OptiGun GA03, part detection, OptiStar Gun Control and MagicControl CM30 system control.

Case Study Architecture: Aluminum Profiles

NeCe - Premium coating quality and efficient powder utilization with MagicCylinder booth, OptiCenter OC03 with OptiSpray AP01 application pumps and ultrasonic sieve US06, OptiGun automatic gun and OptiSelect manual gun.

Case Study Automotive: Wheels

Cromodora - Powder savings, constant film thickness and excellent surface finish with OptiCenter OC02 with Ultrasonic sieve, OptiCenter OC05 with OptiSpray AP01 application pump, OptiGun GA03, MagicControl CM30 and light barrier.

Case Study Electrical Electronics: Power Supply

Siemens - Reproducible coating results and constant film thickness with OptiGun GA03 automatic gun, OptiSelect GM03 manual gun, OptiFlex Automatic AS08, MagicControl CM30 and OptiCenter OC03 powder management with AP01 pump technology.

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